Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I fear the unknown
but I look forward to it. What if something happens and my life totally changes? That's a scary thought, but what if it's for the better? I'll still be scared of it...until I realize it is good.

I fear change. 
Change is scary. I was terrified when I moved to Utardia. I was scared on the first day of the semester, when some of my classes changed. I was daunted when I had to speak Spanish for 24 hours this weekend. Every time, I survive change, but sometimes, it just isn't pleasant. And I fear unpleasant things.

I fear rejection. 
There's a reason I don't always put myself out there for everyone to see. I don't want to get hurt or embarrassed or ridiculed. Bad news never makes me happy. But even then, a lot of times, the bad news isn't as bad as I actually imagine it to be. I guess rejection does help you appreciate good news.

I guess most of the serious things that I fear are rational, but unnecessary. Most of the time, the unknown, change, and rejection help me become a better person. But I'm still scared of them. Just like how I'm scared of spiders, snakes, animals with big pointy teeth that chase me, little bunny foo foo, the white residue on an orange after you peel it, soy sauce, falling from high altitudes, swimming in deep water, sharks, getting in a car crash...the list could go on and on in this non-poetic format :)

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